Adapt or Die?!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
"The Internet is like a giant jellyfish. You can't step on it. You can't go around it. You've got to get through it."-John Evans
The internet is here to stay, but many companies and old thought processes are trying to fight it.
The free flow of information is seen as a threat to those who, at one time, had a monopoly on information. Those companies/industries are being lead to the slaughter for one and only one reason: THEY REFUSED TO ADAPT!!! The RIAA, and MPAA are great examples of this.
Can you imagine the profits if these industries had adapted and accepted the internet in the days of Napster as oppose to fighting it? (We will go into the RIAA and MPAA at another time...I just wanted to get you thinking. )
Our industry is no different, we MUST adapt. You have to see the opportunity this provides us: The audience is always there…how do we reach them?
In the following posts, I will dive deep into this topic.
Labels: blogging, darwin, media. new media, online, posting, PR, press, web 2.0
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on Wednesday, April 9, 2008 at 1:59 PM.
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